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iOS/In App Review

Guideline 5.1.1(v) - Data Collection and Storage

by Derricks2 2024. 7. 6.

Guideline 5.1.1(v) - Data Collection and Storage

5.1.1(v) Account Sign-In If your app doesn’t include significant account-based features, let people use it without a login. If your app supports account creation, you must also offer account deletion within the app. Apps may not require users to enter personal information to function, except when directly relevant to the core functionality of the app or required by law. If your core app functionality is not related to a specific social network (e.g. Facebook, WeChat, Weibo, Twitter, etc.), you must provide access without a login or via another mechanism. Pulling basic profile information, sharing to the social network, or inviting friends to use the app are not considered core app functionality. The app must also include a mechanism to revoke social network credentials and disable data access between the app and social network from within the app. An app may not store credentials or tokens to social networks off of the device and may only use such credentials or tokens to directly connect to the social network from the app itself while the app is in use.

iOS 인앱 심사는 리뷰어에 주관적인 요소가 강하지만, 위의 리뷰 항목으로 앱 심사를 거절당했을 경우 대처한 경우를 기록차 남깁니다! 

현재 다니고 있는 회사에서는 Kids를 대상으로 하는 앱이기 때문에 데이터 수집 및 저장에 민감합니다. 

특히나 대상앱이 광고를 BM으로 하는 앱이 아님에도 불구하고 광고 관련 Adsmob 같이 모듈이 포함되어 있으면 리젝 사유가 될 수 있습니다. 

더불어 FIrebase에는 IDFA(기기 광고 식별자) 수집을 중지하면서 Analytics기능을 사용 가능하게 설정 가능합니다. 


pod 'Firebase/AnalyticsWithoutAdIdSupport'


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